I'm actively writing blogs as I think it is a great way to share my thoughts and ideas with customers and peers.
I often use these to present new features and capabilities of my products.
In this blog, Gary Evans and I, from the Micro Focus Enterprise Product Management team, will look at one aspect of the service: modern, cloud-based development powered by a complete CI/CD pipeline.
In this post, we describe the overall approach to agility and detail the transitions and Micro Focus tools for transforming mainframe workloads into agile services on AWS. We specifically highlight how to refactor towards both macroservices and microservices.
AMC Tech Tips
A few years ago, re-writing so called legacy applications was often considered as the main method for IT modernization. Some global Enterprises reached the unfortunate decision that in order to reduce the risk of maintaining their core business applications and to embrace technical trends du jour, applications needed to be re-written in a ‘modern language’.
AMC Tech Tips
​This blog outlines the new refactoring tools added to Visual COBOL and Enterprise Developer 6.0. These new capabilities allow COBOL developers to “slice out” code based on different criteria. Conceptually, refactoring helps break up complex programs to smaller pieces automatically. These smaller pieces can be used for testing, exposed as web services, or just kept as is for easier maintenance of code.